Download Dynasty Warrior 7 Xtreme Legend

Download Dynasty Warrior 7 Xtreme Legend - Game Dynasty Warrior 7 ini adalah game keluaran terbaru dari KOEI,game ini grafiknya lebih bagus dari dynasty warrior 6,5,dan lain-lain.Game dengan Genre Petualangan,Action dan bertarung ini sangat diminati para gamers terbukti dengan adanya versi terbaru ini.

Dynasty Warriors 7 is the first game in the series to extend past the Battle of Wuzhang Plains. Consequently, the Jin Kingdom was added, bringing the total number of major factions to four.
Daftar Karakter Yang Ada

Minimum configuration:
CPU: Pentium4 2.0GHz or above
System: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
Memory: 512MB or more
Hard Disk: 13GB free space
Drive: DVD drive
Display: 640 * 480 or above resolution
Graphics: more than 128MB memory and supports DirectX 9.0c 3.0 3D graphics processor for more than support the function of the hardware shader (Hardware Shader)
Sound: DirectX 9.0c above

Recommended configuration:
CPU: Core 2 Duo, 2.4GHz or above
System: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
Memory: 1GB or more
Hard Disk: 13GB free space
Drive: DVD drive
Display: 1280 * 720 or above resolution
Graphics: more than 256MB memory and supports DirectX 9.0c 3.0 3D graphics processor for more than support the function of the hardware shader (Hardware Shader)
Sound: DirectX 9.0c above


Dynasty Warrior 7

Klik Download di bawah ini

Cara Instal
1. Download Gamenya (Ada 3 DVD)
2. Download Crack (Ada di bagian Spoiler Crack Only)
3. Mount Image Disc 1 (SM6Install1) --> Disc 2 (SM6Install2) --> disc 3(SM6Game)
4. Pasang Crack
5. Play

Patch English v1.1 By Lavos
- Extract Ke Tempat Install Dynasty Warrior 7
- Jalanin Patch.bat

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown ~ DosoGames

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